<Juan Paredes />

A software engineering student based in Mexicali, B.C., Mexico.
Im a self-taught Full-Stack Developer,
with interests in WebApps, artificial intelligence, and everything in between.

Work Experience


Full-Stack Web Developer (Current)

Vue.js, Laravel: I specialize in building dynamic web applications using Vue.js for user interfaces and Laravel for backend functionality. I have experience integrating the two frameworks and an understanding of modern web development practices and tools.

Geologistic GPS

Full-Stack Web Developer

I have experience developing an ERP system with ReactJS for the FrontEnd, NodeJS (with ExpressJS) for the BackEnd, using TDD with VITEST for testing. I'm proficient in various libraries and technologies, automated testing, maintaining test coverage, Git for version control, and deploying applications to different hosting platforms.


Operations Supervisor

  • Managing a team (10 - 20 people).
  • Constant feedback to agents to keep the improvement.
  • Interaction with customers in the U. S. A.
  • Constant monitoring to ensure the proper delivery of services.


Movie Application

React App where I consumed TheMovieDB API to fetch all recent movies with their details, also added infinite-scroll feature.

Pokedex Application

React App where I consumed PokeAPI API to fetch all 151 pokemon with their details, also added infinite-scroll feature.

Password Generator

Simple ReactJs app that generates random passwords by a given length and given charset using the semantic-ui-react components

